edockA secure, connected, multimodal parking infrastructure for bikes and scooters.

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We have rethought the micomobility parking.

We help companies and cities to promote micromobility through multimodal e-parking solutions.

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Station eDock

Universal Stations

Whatever the brand or model, our Bike parking eDock can accommodate and secure all types of bikes and scooters.


Secure padlock

Each parking space is fitted with a secure ergonomic steel padlock to keep your bikes and scooters safe from theft.

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Recharging batteries

Recharging your bike or scooter on the move has never been easier. With our eDock stations, your employees, customers and visitors can extend their range and autonomy.

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Each pitch can accommodate one bike OR one scooter.


Several sizes available, choose between 4, 6 or 8 slots.


On request, we can make custom stations with your logo.


Book, lock and unlock via a mobile app

Intelligent bike parking with a simple, user-friendly connected experience

  • Find your nearest eDock station
  • Book your pitch in advance
  • Open and close the padlock connected with your phone

Stay connected

Keep control of your station.

Our user-friendly back office lets you keep control of your station and monitor its use.

  • Data analysis
  • Access and user management
  • Remote assistance and control of padlocks

Showcase video


What if we were to adapt?

Micro-mobility is the new trend. In Belgium, 12% of the population already cycle to work.

Unfortunately, 28% do not use a bicycle because there is no cycle parking at their workplace.

Our solution


Number of bicycles stolen per day in Belgium

Percentage of electric bicycles sold by 2022.

Average distance travelled in the city.

Percentage of people who do not use a bicycle for their journeys for fear of theft.

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