eDock is a Belgian company founded by two brothers to make parking bikes and scooters simple, safe and tidy. We have developed a connected, multimodal parking solution that meets cyclists' needs in terms of safety and comfort.

With eDock, cyclists can now travel with confidence, knowing that their bike or scooter is safe and easily recharged.

Meet the founders

What's wrong with micromobility today?


Micromobility, which includes bicycles, electric bikes, scooters and other types of small vehicles, has become increasingly popular as a mode of transport in recent years. However, there are a number of problems associated with micromobility that can affect the safety and efficiency of this mode of transport:

The lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for users to park their vehicles safely.

Micromobility vehicles are often targeted by thieves. The lack of a standard locking system can make it difficult to secure vehicles effectively, and the popularity of hire services can make it easy for bicycles to be stolen and resold without the thieves noticing.

The proliferation of self-service vehicles can lead to an over-saturation of vehicles on the streets, which can create safety risks.

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Our mission

Our ambition is to promote the use of micro-mobility and encourage the growth of soft mobility to make cities less congested and, above all, greener and more pleasant to live in. We offer sustainable parking facilities to make up for the shortage of secure parking spaces faced by users of soft mobility.

Christophe Peeters • Co-Founder eDock

Our offices

Chaussée de Tervuren 149, Waterloo 1410, Belgium

Our networks

Réseaux sociaux

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